Dr. DeFoore's Newsletters & Updates

We publish two free monthly newsletters, Goodfinding and Healing Anger, and also have blogs that you can follow on both topics. I'll give a brief description of each one below, and you can subscribe as you choose.

Goodfinding focuses on helping you to enhance your well being by focusing on what is good, right and working in you and the world around you You'll be encouraged and uplifted with articles and videos to renew your hope and enthusiasm for life.
As you know, most news focuses on stories that upset you and cause stress. It's not that the information is inaccurate or wrong, the question is, how does it affect you?
Goodfinding focuses on information that enhances your well being, peace of mind and optimism about the future.

Sign up for the Goodfinding Newsletter by completing the form below:
Please also visit our Goodfinding Video Archives, where you will find many of the uplifting and inspiring videos from past newsletters and the Happy Video page.

The Healing Anger Newsletter gives you every possible perspective on how to be emotionally healthy and avoid the pitfalls of destructive anger, anxiety and depression.

Subscribe to the Goodfinding.com Happiness Blog and get regular ongoing good news, videos, funny, fun and uplifting stories, viewpoints and perspectives to brighten your life.
Subscribe to the Anger Management Blog and get regular updates about how to manage anger, depression and anxiety while creating happier and healthier habits and relationships.

Daily Good: News That Inspires
Soul Pancake
Asset Based Thinking
Good News Network
Like Giving
Authentic Happiness
Positive News
Greater Good
Optimist Daily
Heartmath Institute
The Appreciative Heart
Spirituality & Health