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Live Your Vision


What you can expect to gain:

  • A strong sense of your purpose in life and how that relates to your professional process
  • A connection with your passion and creative expression as it manifests in your business life
  • A deep and thorough understanding of yourself and how you came to be who you are today
  • The ability to respond effectively to your own internal processes, raising your emotional intelligence in personal and professional arenas
  • A profound knowledge of the emotional and psychological dynamics that determine lasting and productive relationships
  • Highly effective communication skills for conflict resolution and problem solving
  • A stronger sense of your own personal authority, adding to your confidence in decision making and leadership
  • Increased optimism, contributing to your overall happiness and physical well-being
  • An enhanced level of energy and enthusiasm for your life
  • Consistent access to your creative spirit and the skill to give it full expression in your personal and professional life
  • A powerful sense of who you are and where you're going

  The Live Your Vision Professional Development Program is a twelve-session intensive conducted personally by Dr. DeFoore, which occurs over a period of three days, or according to the scheduling preferences of the client.


Phase One: Cognitive mapping of the journey. This is a process of establishing 1) What has happened and 2) How it affected you. Early experiences and related decisions/beliefs influencing view of self and self-worth and the right to success and happiness are thoroughly explored. This forms a map of the territory that has to be covered in the process of moving you toward your desired goals.

Phase Two: Experiential internal process. This phase involves your exploration of your inner terrain, from which all previous professional processes have been directed. With new awareness and expert guidance, you have a chance to loosen the old structures that have held dysfunctional patterns in place. In many ways, this is the most important part of the process. Loosening the old structures and revisiting old beliefs is essential to the establishment of new decisions and success oriented behavior patterns.

Phase Three: Release, relief and return. This is where you begin to experience new energy and enthusiasm, from having discarded the dead weight of beliefs and emotions which have long outlived their usefulness. This energy and enthusiasm is essential for the implementation of new thought, belief and behavior patterns which move you toward the fulfillment of your higher vision of professional fulfillment.

Phase Four: Creating a new game plan. Having loosened the foundational structure of old self-sabotaging processes, you now move to the task of mapping a new terrain of personal and professional fulfillment. New decisions are made which will later become established beliefs about self, self-worth and the right to a full sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. New behaviors are identified as desirable and a commitment is made to a new way of being in the world. At this point, you are becoming the author of your own story, the authority in your own personal and professional development process.


Methodologies Employed: Dr. DeFoore uses a variety of techniques that he has accumulated and developed in his 40 years of professional counseling. These include Gestalt, cognitive-behavioral, bioenergetics and guided imagery. These methods are integrated seemlessly into a relaxed and fluid process that can be explained in full to the client at any point.

Program philosophy and orientation: This program is based on the assumption that each individual has an inherent meaning and purpose for her/his life. There is a strong conviction on the part of program facilitators that a spiritually based sense of commitment to this meaning and purpose enhances progress and success in all aspects of life. In the context of the interactive process between facilitator and participant, spirituality will only be addressed with the utmost sensitivity to the unique beliefs and experiences of the participants. This component is optional, and any participant may choose to include or exclude it from his/her own individual program.

Scheduling and progression of the program: In general, it may be said that phases one and two comprise the bulk of the time spent in the intensive twelve hour process of The Professional Development Program. For that reason, the first two days and part of the third will be spent in those phases of the program. Phase three happens automatically, as a direct result of the work done in phase one and two. Therefore, no specific time has to be set aside for phase three. Phase four is relatively fast and easy in comparison to the rest of the process, and usually takes place in the final two to three hours of the program.

Follow-up: It is recommended that participants schedule several weekly follow-up sessions after the program is completed, in order to firmly implement the new beliefs and behavior patterns that were established in phase four of the intensive process. These follow-up meetings can be either in person or by telephone. Need and feasibility of this varies according to individual circumstances, which will be taken into account in making recommendations in each case.

Effectiveness and results: This program works, if you put the work into it. These methods are tried and true, and they get to the heart of the matter. Client testimonials are available upon request.


Copyright 2009-2024 by William DeFoore,